Tuesday, March 20

I Heart YA: Episode 2 - NYC

This is pretty much what I dream about at night...having friends who share such an important part of my life, understand why it's important, and make it even more fun. Alas, I am stuck in the middle of Pennsylvania, and while I have many friends, none of them quite get my fascination with YA. And while I do quite a bit of writing at Denny's, where I'm surrounded by friends, it's nothing compared to this.

*Sigh*. Lonely.

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If you don't feel that you are possibly on the edge of humiliating yourself, of losing control of the whole thing, then possibly what you are doing isn't very vital. If you don't feel like you are writing somewhat over your head, why do it? If you don't have some doubt of your authority to tell this story, then you are not trying to tell enough. --John Irving