Tuesday, November 20

That Old Feeling

Listening to: Guster, "Empire State"


They're all reading my most recent novel. I didn't force them, bribe them, or otherwise coerce them--they all volunteered. And they really went to town on the thing, I might add. Ashley (brown hair, red shirt), Josh (only male, obviously), and I had a long discussion about description of characters, especially in first-person. What did I do to deserve such awesome friends? Ashley is an especially good reader for me, since she reads heavily in my genre.

I'm mostly out of my melancholy from Friday. We had a great weekend--going out for drinks, spending time with friends, going to hockey games, and watching football. That helped immensely. And Thanksgiving is fast approaching--woohoo!

No writing talk today. I think I'm just drifting right now, trying to find the project that's right for me. No idea what that will be.

1 comment:

  1. What a great photo! That must be very motivating for you!


If you don't feel that you are possibly on the edge of humiliating yourself, of losing control of the whole thing, then possibly what you are doing isn't very vital. If you don't feel like you are writing somewhat over your head, why do it? If you don't have some doubt of your authority to tell this story, then you are not trying to tell enough. --John Irving